Trip Report: Pemi Loop — Brief

2020-07-15 to 2020-07-17

Yowza that was long. 

So this is basically a teaser to let you guys know that I just got home from doing a Pemi Loop over the past couple days. There are photos… a bevy of them, and I’m sifting through, doing the usual cropping and editing, and composing a trip report. I do want it to be more than the “let the photos tell the story” of last time. Regrettably, I need to be at work tonight, so that’s an obvious competitor for my time in the immediate future. 

But for now…

In short, it was fun. There were a lot of clouds, natch, so the views were oftentimes less than what I’d have preferred. But casting my gaze nearer as I so often do, I did see some complete surprises, a couple of which totally blew my socks off. Stay tuned for those photos, because I’m sure you’ll appreciate them as much as I did. (And I’m going to own the fact that the image for this post is from last year’s loop. Lame, I know. It’ll be worth it. I promise.)

I did last year’s loop, plus I tacked on Zealand — it made for an even dozen, and puts me within 4 of a third round of the 48. Almost 25% of my grid done! The extra miles were tough. Never let it be said that the AT in New Hampshire is easy as pie. I have to count to be sure, but there were at least a couple sections with a thousand feet of elevation change within one mile. That’s hard work no matter which way you go. 

I slept at Garfield and Guyot campsites. This morning, there was rain that started in the wee hours, and went through to at least late morning. It cleared out pretty quickly after that, but I didn’t see blue skies until I was back down in the Concord area. You can pick your days, but you can’t pick the weather. That said, a soggy day out on the trail is still a day out on the trail, and I know of no-one who, when given the option, wished they’d spent more time at the office. 

And so, I’ll leave things at that for now. There should be a more detailed trip report tomorrow, with lots of photos — obviously, in three days, I took many. I met a lot of wonderful and interesting people during the trip, so if you’re one of them, and checking in, ***welcome*** and please check back. (Also, perhaps subscribe, so you can stay in the loop!) I’d love to read your comments, especially if you saw or experienced something I didn’t. 

Cheers for now. 

As always, stay safe out there. 

Nuts and Bolts: I set out from Lincoln Woods. If you do an overnight, please don’t forget to sign the register that’s by the door at the ranger station, so they know you’re out there. I took the clockwise route, crossing Franconia Ridge to Garfield, then out to the Twins and Zealand, before crossing the Bonds on the way back. More details soon. 

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Find me in the mountains, on this blog, or on Twitter: @Protean_Hiker

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