Sometimes you need to do something short and sweet, shelving ambition for the day. Heading up Tecumseh in the autumn snow was that and more.
Autumn Hiking
Some days, you can’t believe your outrageous luck. A beautiful summit, golden light, and the Milky Way. What more do you need?
It’s been nearly three years to the day since one of my most fateful hiking trips on Adams.Does the date have significance, or was it a fluke?
Hike local! But what is the 49th hike, and why?
Mt Washington is known to have its way with hikers, and its weather is notoriously fickle. Sometimes this force of nature is for the good.
Sometimes you don’t know whether you liked something or not, until you’ve had some time to think. And yet, you know everything was fine.
You see an easy first couple miles. Then things pitch upward significantly. So what if you add a bitter wind? Can one have fun?
Finding out why the col north of Bondcliff is interesting takes a lot of time and a lot of leg. Why would you want to go there?
This week, my gift to you is a video of my hike up Mt Whiteface this past December. It was a beautiful day on a beautiful mountain. Enjoy!
Mt Moriah (4,049 feet). Gorham, NH. 2020-11-05 (Thursday.) Via Stony Brook, and Carter-Moriah Trails, and the summit spur. 10 miles round-trip, approx 3,100 feet elevation gain. 45 dF at the trailhead, 60 dF at the summit. Winds were negligible in the trees, about 10-15 knots at the summit. Sun, with a few clouds throughout. (Note: MW-Obs called for winds of 45-65 MPH with gusts up to 80 MPH on the […]
Wildcat Mountain D & A (4,062 and 4,422 feet, respectively). Jackson, NH. 2020-10-14 (Wednesday). Via Wildcat Valley X-C Ski Trail, Wildcat Ridge Trail, 19 Mile Brook Trail, Wildcat River Trail, Bog Brook Trail.. Approximately 12 miles round-trip. (NB: The 12 mile number is from Gaia GPS, and I’m fairly certain that it draws mileage from a 2-D model, not taking elevation into account. This is especially significant where Wildcat A […]
It was cold, and the view from the top wasn’t great. But that’s not why we go out and hike, right?