The 48

193 posts

New Video! Mt Cabot

I’ve been trying to play catch-up with video footage I’ve collected on past hikes. The most recent? Mt Cabot, in March of 2019. The fun part of all of this is that I’m re-living past hikes. As I write this, the afternoon’s weather was quite warm and pleasant — the kind where you open the windows and let in some fresh air.

New Video! Mt Isolation

Mt Isolation is tough. The trail itself isn’t hard, per se, but there’s a lot of mileage, and in the warmer months, there’s a few tough water crossings. In the winter, there’s a bushwhack. And did I mention miles? But it’s an amazing summit with stellar views of Mt Washington. It’ll steal your breath away!

Trip Report: Soft Snow, High Hancocks

The tough part of the Hancocks is that once you get to the top of one, you have an easy time getting across to the other, and then make quick time back to the car. And along the way, you’ve completely forgotten that while the approach is pretty flat, the last half-three quarters of a mile or so are completely relentless.