
14 posts

Training hike: Mt Monadnock

Mt Monadnock. Jaffrey, NH. Via the White Dot and White Cross trails. Temps in the mid-40s throughout, cloudy. 2 hours up, 2 hours down. Spring is here, and the trails are showing it. The rains that fell the other night made their mark in different ways at different areas of the trail. At the bottom, the trails were soaking wet, muddy throughout. Very wet slush until the steep bit, where […]

Training Hike: Grand Monadnock

Grand Monadnock, Jaffrey, NH 2018-04-07. It’s an easy hike, and it’s a bounded problem. Get in trouble? Point in one direction downhill, walk that way, and within half a day, you’ll hit a road. Maybe that lures people into complacency. I saw a lot of people behaving poorly today. The weather was warm and sunny, but the wind was robust, around 10-20 MPH in places. The trail was mashed potatoes, […]